Sikelia Service

Stash Caveau compliant to Banca d’Italia POC system

Stash Caveau – part of the Stash software platform for the cash management of banks and CIT companies by Sikelia Service – is fully compliant to the standards and the technical requirements for the integration with the POC system created by Banca d’Italia.

This POC (Prenotazioni Operazioni in Contante) system simplifies the cash operations between Banca d’Italia and its institutional clients (all Italian banks and Poste Italiane). Banks can now forward all cash orders and notifications of cash deposits to the Italian central national bank, receiving feedback flows on single operations.

Developed by Banca d’Italia with six major Italian banks and fintech firms, the POC system is in line with the indication of the European Central Bank (ECB). It also follows the change interesting the cash sector in terms of improved operative and financial efficiency, as per other national central banks in Europe such as Bundesbank, Banque de France and Banco de España. The integration activity for Italian banks will start in the second semester of 2017.

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